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成為邊緣化長者的「牧養探訪者」Preparing Pastoral Visitors for the Marginalized Older Adults

Posted by music on December 10, 2018



香港音樂治療中心總監麥依汶小姐將為 信義宗神學院 校本部 任教有關邊緣化長者之關顧及牧養課程。目標為為工塲預備牧養探訪者



Got Calling Being a Pastoral Visitor for the Marginalized Older Adults?

Director of the Hong Kong Music Therapy Center will be teaching a course for the Lutheran Theological Seminary. We will go through the biblical, historical, and theological aspects concerning the loving and serving of the marginalized people. You will also be provided with experience of skills on engaging marginalized older adults in the giving of pastoral care. Please share the course information so that more Pastoral Visitors will be prepared for the work.

Preparing Pastoral Visitors for the Marginalized Older Adults


講師 Lecturer麥依汶小姐 (香港音樂治療中心 音樂治療師 暨 總監) Ms. Emma Mak ( Director of the Hong Kong Music Therapy Centre)

日期 Date: 2018 年12 月31

時間 Time: 08:30-17:30am

地點 Venue:信義宗神學院

#Small Group Experiential Teaching






Other services: 有關 「音樂空間」

心理支援 音樂治療

地址﹕  香港銅鑼灣渣甸街 45 號人人商業大廈 8A 室
電話﹕  2576 7730
傳真﹕  3020 6899
網址﹕  http://www.MusicPsychotherapy.com.hk


請致電預約,電話: 2576 7730

