(A) Power GROWTH package for Counseling Students

Experiencing the Counseling process is vital for the preparation of future Counselors.


This initial GROWTH package consists of:

An initial intake session for our counselor to meet with one counseling student.



By our Clinic Counselor

Temperament Assessment and analysis for one counseling student.


Eight consecutive GROWTH counseling sessions

Package to be finished within 3 months from the day of initial intake session


(B) Power GROWTH Music Psychotherapy Space package (For Counselling Students)

The Power GROWTH Music Psychotherapy Space package consists of:

An initial intake session for our counselor to meet with one counseling student


 By our Clinic Counselor

Temperament Assessment and analysis for one counseling student.


One  1.5hr group Music Psychotherapy Tasting session (2 person share one session) 

By our Senior Music Therapist

Eight consecutive GROWTH counseling sessions

By our Clinic Counselor

*Valid ONLY for 2 person enrolling together

*Package to be finished within 3 months from the day of initial intake session

心理支援 音樂治療

地址﹕  香港銅鑼灣渣甸街 45 號人人商業大廈 8A 室
電話﹕  2576 7730
傳真﹕  3020 6899
網址﹕  http://www.MusicPsychotherapy.com.hk


請致電預約,電話: 2576 7730

